One year ago, I boarded a plane in agreement to dedicate two years to service no matter the assignment. I felt comfortable going to Honduras given my experience in Latin America. I was hesitant given the statistics...second poorest in the Western hemisphere and the most violent country in Central America. Yet the excitement for new experiences and adventure ran through me.
One year ago 6/23/10 @ SFO airport |
I am happy to say that I am loving my experience. =) I have been placed in one of the most beautiful cities & I work with very special people. I love my local "familia" made up of hard working girls, generous volunteers, and dedicated teachers, plus many others that remind me to move forward in my efforts.
@La Princesita w/ the girls (Mary & Yani not pictured) |
The last few weeks have been filled with observations. Some of my favorite teachers proved their devotion is achieving great strides with their students. In the words of one of them, "We are reading & writing in English!" I continue to see the need for classroom management strategies. In the most extreme cases you'll have a first grade class with 45 of the neediest children and a 19 year old teacher. (Sounds kinda like TFA in the States, right? Only we're in a third world country!) I'm considering starting a pilot classroom management program with the same group of teachers. To be continued.
Taking cover from the rain before class. |
I did have some time to relax and get ahead on my lesson planning. I ended up spending the Semana del Estudiante (Student Week) in town. I spent a day at the pool...amazing views at the golf course! I went down to Donkey Polo in Yuscaran during their Feria de los Gigantes. Imagine the sight...20+ PCVs trying to ride donkeys while playing soccer polo. Let's just say the first match was something like 42 - 3 in favor of the Hondurans. So much fun!
Donkey Polo Yuscaran 2011 |
I celebrated the closing of our abstinence program with the girls by hosting a ice cream & popcorn movie night. The original gala dinner was canceled last minute...don't want to explain....erk :| I'm not sure what to do next, if anything, with this group. They would like to have the boys join us but it would have to be geared toward self-management or developing their leadership skills. I would love to start a creative expression group, maybe a reading circle or theater group. They seem to really enjoy these activities.
Chayo, Mary, Vilma getting ready to watch The Princess and the Frog |
I just got back from a mini vacation. I was invited to join Jesse's family visit in El Salvador. My first time visiting and I can't wait to go back! The family was really great with me & made me feel a part of the familia. Aw! My favorite few days this year by far.....much thanks to Jesse & Susy. Susy ended up surprise visiting for a day on her way to Peru for her Masters travel program. We had a great time together...lots of laughs & great memories! I love catching up with's one of the things I miss the most!
Cafecito, platanos fritos con frijolitos y crema fresca....que rico! |
La Libertad 2011 |
Lago Suchitlan in Suchitoto |
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