Tuesday, September 21, 2010

OMG...you wouldn't believe

Yeah, I can't believe what I have to battle with on a daily basis. It's only been a week but they are finally getting to me. =| So, I've mentioned I have a little office right? Well it is slowly being invaded by the locals....wasps, ants, spiders, bees, flies....and BATS! Yes, all these little critters are my neighbors. The wasps live in the corners, the ants are all over the floor/chairs, bees & flies are in and out, and the bats are in the roof right outside my door. (We even have wild horses but these mind their own business for now.) Apparently these critters don't bother anyone else. I on the other hand am totally freaked out. I purchase RAID to fight them off but I think they are starting a rebellion of their own against me. Erk!

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