Wednesday, October 13, 2010

OMG number 2....a snake in my office!

No way....a snake in my office! Yes, a student went to slip his homework under my door, looked up and there it was. He killed it as it was trying to crawl in through the window. Errk!

Class canceled....why? The students planned a demonstration against the land squatters invading the school territory. Local authorities are not reacting to the problem nor show interest in doing so anytime soon. So the students (with the administration's leadership) decided to take the streets in hopes of raising awareness to their concern. I couldn't participate (PC policy) but they had a huge group of students & staff.

I had an interesting weekend. The usual routine on Saturday, hand out at the proyecto. One of the girls volunteered to clean the office so together we set out to organize it a bit better. The work has to continue but I hope this will be the start of a total transformation towards effectiveness. I volunteered to “babysit” the casa hogar. I want to start gaining confianza with them since I plan to start a Yo Merezco session soon. Yo Merezco is a program aimed at female teen empowerment guided by abstinence. Most of the group loved having me. Two of the girls were a bit more reserved (mostly in their room) but participated in the group activities. I took them out to the mall..(like my modeling) the park....(forgot my camera)...and we hung out at the house..(again they wanted to model). I invited them to La Princesita but it cost me a couple days worth of this won't be repeating!

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